
All about bookings

Managing a Booking

Members, and if you allow it, the public can make a booking. (more…)

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Controlling Bookings

The Booking Service is very flexible with many ways of controlling bookings according to dates, member classes, public vs members etc. (more…)

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Kiosk for Room Allocations

Display room allocations on a tablet or computer screen in the lodge. (more…)

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Promotions appear after a booking is completed, with or without payment. (more…)

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Terms and Conditions

Add a T&C tickbox to the final booking step, also useful for check vaccination status. (more…)

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Sync with other systems

You can synchronise bookings via Accommodation Channels, or using an iCal feed. (more…)

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Checking whether a booking is valid (more…)

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Member edit Booking

You can allow members to edit their own bookings. (more…)

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Queuing Bookings

When bookings open, to control load on the server, a queue might be visible to members. (more…)

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