Pricing a booking

Tariffs are used to calculate the price of a booking.

This is automatic when a booking is made. When admin edits a booking, the price is recalculated but this is not immediately applied to the booking. If the calculated price differs from the previously set price of a booking, a button appears
Clicking on this will copy the new calculated price into the Admin Price field. Nothing is saved into the database until you click on the SAVE button up the top.

The Admin Price field is your control over the final price of the booking
Invoices and credits in the ledger are generated automatically so that the Admin Price always equals their sum. For this reason, you can’t manually create invoices and credits for a booking using the Transactions screen.

You can update the Admin Price manually, for example, set it to zero if a booking cancelled and no payment is due. Remember to click save in order to save your change and generate any transaction that results. You can send an email, after saving you can click on the email button.

Calculation of tariffs occurs using Tariff Sets (find these via Tariffs → tariffs). Tariff sets are applied to Season Periods, so each night of a booking uses the season that applies to that night, and finds the tariff set that applies to that season.

A booking can change its calculated price if you edit the booking, or move it from one room type to another room type, or edit a tariff set that applies to one or more nights of the booking.

It’s helpful to remember, the Admin price is the final amount the member or customer paid or will pay for the booking. Credits and Invoices add up to this price. Receipts and Refunds reflect cash transfers and affect the member’s balance, or the balance owing on a booking if the customer does not have an account (an accounot is an entry in the Member Database).

Season Periods

Season periods are used for pricing, and occupancy rules. (more…)

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Tariff Selection

How tariffs are selected when making a booking (more…)

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Tariff Types

Tariff Types are often closely aligned with Member Classes, but are not the same thing. (more…)

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Tariff Sets

A tariff set provides tariffs for all tariff types and all room types. It can be associated with more than one season. (more…)

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Optional Extras

These are per-booking options that can have a quantity and a price. (more…)

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