Tariff Types

Tariff Types are often closely aligned with Member Classes, but are not the same thing.

Tariff Types appear in Tariffsets where you assign a currency value to each night of a booking. Examples of tariff types are Guest Adult, Guest Child, Member, Member family etc.

You decide what tariff types exist for your configuration, via admin menu ⟶ tariffs ⟶ tariff types. All the tariff types appear when you enter tariffs into Tariff Sets, which are found via admin menu ⟶ tariffs ⟶ tariffs.

If you have turned on Configuration Item TARIFF_BY_MEMBER, then each Member Class is assigned a Tariff Type, and this is automatically selected when making a booking.

You can mark a Tariff Type as “not in use” which hides it everywhere, but retains historical data.

If you are using TARIFF_BY_MEMBER and you have age-based tariff types, these can be automated based on date-of-birth. This saves you having to manually assign Member Classes each year as ages change.

Tariff Types are always marked with an Access Level. If you are logged in at a lower Access Level than specified for a Tariff Type, you will not see that Tariff Type. Mainly this is set to Public or Member, but sometimes Administrator or Staff level is used for special tariffs that members cannot access directly.

A Tariff Type set to Public can be seen without a login. If your booking matrix requires a login, this setting is still useful, as only Public Tariff Types are available when a name is not matched from the Member Database when booking. You can also set a rule that prevents members from including non-members in a booking prior to “Public Opening Date”. This date is set for each Season Period. If you allow public bookings, this date prevents the public from booking before the date set.

A Tariff Type can be marked as “not reserving a bed”. You can charge a zero tariff or an amount e.g. for infants that don’t reserve a bed. You enter a tariff for each Tariff Set, as for all Tariff Types. Any guest with such a tariff does not show in room/bed allocation reports, and in the new software booking matrix will not show up on the mouse hover information which lists booking guests. In these contexts, the guest does not exist!