Season Periods

Season periods are used for pricing, and occupancy rules.

If you have multiple lodges, seasons apply to a specific lodge. You can create and edit seasons via admin menu → tariffs → season periods.

Seasons have a start and end date, inclusive dates that determine when the season applies. Above the list of seasons for a lodge, you see a graphic display of dates with a blue bar representing a season. Seasons can overlap, and this is easy to visualise with one bar above or below another.

Overlapping seasons are applied according to the following rule:

On each night, all matching seasons are considered. The season with the smallest duration is used.

This makes it possible for you to create a short season to cover e.g. a work party, or Easter, or a race week, for which tariffs or rules are special. You don’t have to split the surrounding period into two seasons.

You apply tariffs to a season by selecting a Tariff Set. You can associate a Tariff Set with more than one season, e.g. Shoulder tariffs at the start and end of Winter.

Seasons can define a Start/Finish rule separately for Member and Guest bookings.