Custom Member Fields

You can have an unlimited number of customised fields in each Member Record in the database.

To make a Custom Field appear in member records, put text in the Value field of a Configuration Item. The Configuration Item needs a Varname like CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2,… CUSTOM99 etc. We’ve created the first four for you already, but you can create more (see below).

If the value of the field is blank, the field won’t show when you edit member records. Making an existing field blank will hide the values but won’t remove them from the database. To clear the database values, download the member database in spreadsheet form, clear that column, and reupload, including only the membernumber and CUSTOM{n} column in the upload.

Members can see Custom Field values in their own member record (& other members if they are the Principal Member & you turn on Principle Member editing via Site Config item EDIT_FAMILY). Members can’t edit the values of Custom Fields.

To use CUSTOM values beyond CUSTOM4 you will need to create a new Configuration Item. It should look like this:

The Label field above only appears in Configuration Item view and doesn’t appear in the Member Data, you can change the number “5” above, and if you don’t, it won’t matter.
The only other field that needs to be changed is “value” which contains the label that shows when viewing and editing Member Data.

You can upload values of Custom Fields into member data via a spreadsheet with column heading CUSTOM1 etc.