Uploading Member Data

You can upload a CSV (spreadsheet) of member data to create or update member data.

Click here for a template of column headings for uploading member data.

Text with a leading zero (e.g. phone area code, USA zipcode) should be preceded with a single quote (‘) to prevent the spreadsheet turning it into a number and thereby removing the leading zero.

The first row must contain field names. These must match the database fields. The “membernumber” field must be included, all other fields are optional. You can delete columns that aren’t going to be updated. Always delete the “balance” column as that can’t be updated.

Subsequent rows in the spreadsheet use membernumber to check for an existing member. If one exists, the fields in the uploaded file will overwrite the existing member data for that member.

If the membernumber field in any row does not match an existing entry in the database, a new member will be created.

A column headed “memberclass” should contain the full Member Class Title taken from the memberclass table.

A column headed PrincipalMember can be used to link e.g. a family member to their principal member. Enter the principal member (if any) using their Member Number into this column. Leave it blank in the PM’s own entry.

Dates should be in format: j/n/Y e.g. 31/5/2017, or n/j/Y for America, e.g. 5/31/2017. That includes these fields: membersince, dob, paidto. Paidto is the date a member becomes unfinancial, you can use this to prevent booking by unfinancial members and it updates automatically when a member pays their subs.

Other fields:
Contactphone = Business hours phone
contactphonesecond = after hours phone  (we can customise the title of these fields if you want)
comment1 = Comment (Visible to Member)
comment2 = Admin Only Comment (not visible to member)

If you use Open Office, you can select UTF-8. UTF-8 is necessary if you used any special characters (e.g. accents, emdash, etc).

Choose UTF-8 as the character set to use:

Google Docs is also OK.

Excel is tricky, so be careful not to include special characters unless you can get it to save in UTF-8.

Mac in general will not save CSV correctly (non-standard line-end characters). Transfer spreadsheet to Windows or Linux and export as CSV there.