Edit a Booking

First find the booking.

Then click on “Edit via Matrix”. This puts the booking back to step 1, just like when it was first made, but displaying the dates and rooms or beds already booked. Here you can alter dates and rooms/beds. Click on “next step” to reach step 2, where you can change guest details (including tariffs, if these are not automatically selected).

At any stage you can click on “complete edit” or “next step” or “cancel edit”.

You can also edit some aspects of a booking via the Allocate Rooms screen. On this screen you can drag-n-drop individual bed allocations to move bookings around. You can deallocate beds from one guest or the whole booking (the booking moves up above the bed matrix). You can remove one guest from a booking, with undo. You can adjust an individual guest’s first/last night, split a guest into two or more date ranges so they can change rooms during a booking.

To change the background colours on this screen to be the same as the old page, go to Site Config, change as follows:


When this page is loading data, the background colours pulse so you know more information is being loaded. If you make all background colours white, you won’t see this signal.