Find a Booking

Different ways to find a booking:

From the Matrix

If a lodge shows individual bookings in colour on the step 1 booking matrix, you can click on a booking to edit it on the Manage Bookings screen. You have to be logged in at an administrator level to do this. This isn’t available for “book by bed” lodges, i.e. a booking matrix that displays a number in each date cell, being the number of beds available, or number booked/requested.

From Manage Bookings

Via the admin menu -> bookings -> manage bookings. Here you can enter a booking ID (just the numbers will find it), or a contact name, or a member name (surname first). You can filter by booking status.

You can list bookings according to the date they were first invoiced – this is provided so you can chase up overdue payments, so you usually filter on TENTATIVE bookings at the same time.

From Allocate Rooms

If you are on the Allocate Rooms screen, you can click on a booking to open it on the Manage Bookings Screen. This is necessary if the booking price changed, either because you dragged a WAITLIST booking into beds so it becomes TENTATIVE, or because you moved guests between room types that attract different tariffs. See more about Pricing a Booking.