Booking emails

Not including Scheduled Emails.

Emails are sent automatically when a booking is made or cancelled, and can be (re)sent manually when viewing the booking by clicking on the “email” button. If a member resends an email, a copy is not sent to admin.

Admin emails have HTML and plain text versions just like all other emails, so you should edit the HTML version, and the TEXT version will be updated automatically.

The type of email sent depends on the booking status at the time it is sent:

Booking StatusSite Config
Booking subject to Priority Period, no copy is sent to admin.CLIENT_PRIORITY
After Member UpdateADMIN_UPDATE

You can also (re)send an invoice regardless of the booking status, by clicking on the “email invoice” button. For most clubs, this is the same template as the TENTATIVE email, but for those clubs that do not request payment on an initial booking request, the TENTATIVE email is typically not an invoice and so a different email is required for invoicing. Edit the invoice format by filtering Site Config Variable Name filter on CLIENT_INVOICE

Entering one of the Site Config names given above into the Variable Name filter on the Site Config page will find the template and subject of each email. the item ending in _HTML is the body template, edit this and the TEXT version is updated automatically. The subject can take the same tokens as the template, but tokens are only shown on the HTML edit page.

You can get a copy of customer/member emails sent to a bcc address by creating a new Site Config item. Find the existing item that ends in _HTML, drop that part and replace it with _BCC. For example if you want a copy of CLIENT_TENTATIVE_EMAIL_HTML then create a new config item CLIENT_TENTATIVE_EMAIL_BCC and put a list of email addresses as the value of the new item. A copy of the member/customer email will go to the BCC addresses, in additional to the ADMIN_ template email which is sent to ADMIN_EMAILS_SENT_TO.

Note any BCC emails are in addition to the email sent to admin via ADMIN_EMAILS_SENT_TO. This email uses a template beginning in ADMIN_ so it is generally shorter than the version sent to members/public.

Plugin “MailTemplate” can override the config items used for _EMAIL_BCC, _EMAIL_HTML, _SUBJECT, _EMAIL_TEXT based on any property of the booking or its relations.