Empty Bed

You or your members can book an empty bed, if your lodge has multiple rows in the Booking Matrix.

To turn this feature on, create one or more tariff types and check the box for Empty Bed:

A checkbox will appear when adding guests to a booking “Empty Bed”. Fields like “name”, “gender” etc disappear and the only tariff types available are those set up as above. If only one Empty Bed tariff is available for the Access Level of the user, then it will be pre-set and can’t be changed.

Because this is a tariff type, you can set rates, zero or otherwise, via Tariff Sets.

If you have a capacity constraint set for you lodge, i.e. you have more physical beds than you are allowed (or want) to occupy, the Empty Bed “guest” won’t be counted towards that limit. See lodge-occupancy.

If your lodge shows multiple rows on the booking matrix, i.e. Book-by-Room configuration (can be one row per bed, we still call it book-by-room), then the following applies:
You don’t need this tariff type if each Booking Matrix row represents all of the beds in one room. It’s only needed if your matrix shows individual beds and you want to allow a whole room to be booked by reserving unused beds as “empty bed”.