Emails from the booking system come from your domain name.
You can find out what that domain name is via Site config EMAIL_DOMAIN.
That means that replies and bounces will go back to the sender address within the club’s domain. You may have paid mailboxes such as bookings@{your domain} or you may be using a free mail service such as gmail. Here’s how we recommend you do it.
Use gmail addresses such as {club name} The following steps are optional:
Save money by not paying for mailboxes.
No limit to the number of addresses within your domain.
Your gmail account retains a history of all emails sent and received, so you aren’t depending on an office bearer’s private email account.
If we manage your domain name then we can provide forwarding so that emails sent to the club’s domain end up in your gmail inbox. You can edit the forwarding addresses and create new addresses via your Booking Service admin menu -> admin -> Email Forwarding. Changes can take up to 5 minutes to take effect.
Contact us to have your email forwarding set up.
We use SRS forwarding which avoids being mis-classified as spam. (So does gmail when you send email using the alias).