Bulk Email to Guests

Send emails to bookings made by non-members.

If you allow bookikngs without a login, the last page includes a consent check-box allowing the customer to opt-in to marketing emails. You can send a bulk email to those customers, and make selections based on when they stayed or the most recent date they booked.

Because actual booking data (e.g. startdate) is used in the selection of recipients, there needs to be a booking in the database as well as a permission record, for the filters to work. However, you can add additional emails one-by-one to the list of recipients. These added emails will not have any % tokens defined.

In most other respects the features are similar to the bulk email to members – once you send an email you can’t edit it, but you can make a fresh copy to use again. This preserves information about bulk emails for future reference.

An unsubscribe link is included in the sent emails and handled automatically.