Smoobu – Channels

Register with Smoobu and connect to other booking sites using channel manager to create your account.

On Smoobu, register all or some of your rooms. Each room connects to a different property within Smoobu. In Smoobu, click on “add accommodation”, enter the lodge (if you have multiple lodges) and the room ID, make it the same as the room ID in the CBDWeb Booking Service to avoid confusion.

Smoobu has plans which limit the number of rooms (properties) you can synchronise, choose the most cost-effective plan for you.

Having created accommodations in Smoobu, click on Settings (left menu) and choose Connect to third party applications – For Developers. (hint, it’s down the bottom of the page).

Here you can find the API-Key, copy this into the Booking Service Configuration Item SMOOBU_API_KEY.

Next to the API-Key is Settings Channel Id. Copy this into Config Item SMOOBU_CHANNEL_ID.

In the Booking Service go to admin -> API keys and generate a new API key. Give it the role “smoobu” without the quotes. Copy the API key and append it to this URL:
https://{domain name}/api/index.php?r=smoobu/webhook&apikey=
where {domain name} is your Booking Service address.
Save the completed URL into Smoobu under Webhook URLs.

Below the webhook you will see your rooms. Each room has an ID. Use the copy icon to take a copy of the ID for a room, and then in the Booking Service via tariffs -> room details, edit the room and paste in the Smoobu ID. Save the room.

Do this for each room you have created in Smoobu.

Now you are ready for 2-way communications with Smoobu. You can let Smoobu list your rooms on their website to get bookings.

Channels are found via Smoobu -> settings -> Booking Portals. Here is the list of all the portals you can connect to, such as Airbnb, Agoda,, Expedia, Tripadvisor, etc. Create a listing for your rooms on the portal(s) of your choice, and link them via this page on Smoobu.

If you want to list on Stayz Australia, use the VBRO channel in Smoobu to connect. We haven’t tried this but VBRO owns and carries the same listings as Stayz.