Standard Queries

These are just like custom queries but are preloaded for all our clubs.

Current standard queries are:


This is the query we use to determine turnover for your annual invoice. You can run it any time to get year to date figures.

Parameters you should use: apikey, start, end, queryName

Turnover is computed as receipts less refunds, allowing for reversals.

For our Australian Alpine clients, dates are e.g. 2020-04-01 and 2021-03-31.

Note the role BILLING required to generate this download is also the role required to read billing information via admin menu → admin → billing.


Victorian Government offered grants to regional accommodation providers. This query provides a spreadsheet of cancellations with the information required to apply for the grant.

Note that even single lodge clubs need to use the &lodge parameter in the URL, so parameters you should use are: apikey, start, queryName, lodge. You need to ask CBDWeb what the lodge parameter should be. Bookings starting on and after &start are included, with no end date.


N.B. this report is no longer needed, instead,

  • go to View Members
  • select member classes,
  • click on the Download tab and select the checkbox:
  • Enter a date (datepicker is provided)
  • Click the Download Button

Standard Query (old way of getting the above information)

One row for each member with their balance on a selected past date.

Parameters required are: queryName=historicalBalance
start=2020-07-01 (e.g.)
The above date will include the effect of all transactions made up to and including 30/6/2020 but not any transactions on 1/7/2020.