Using Booking Service credentials on other sites

You can give your members a login on your main website, using their Booking Service credentials.

For WordPress, see our plugins.

If you aren’t using WordPress, you can write your own interface as follows:

Make a POST request to your Booking Service domain with path: /api/index.php?r=authenticate/member.

POST fields:

secret_keyAPI key, set it up here: here, give the API key the role remoteAuth and description e.g. “main website login”
passwordPassword applies if turned on in the Booking Service here otherwise put surname as the value but keep “password” as the key.

Returns XML as a simple array name=>value

errorIf exists, is string error message
membernumberIf not exists, member number was not found
sessionidThis is only relevant when we host your WordPress site. We don’t host other types of CMS. It allows our WP plugins to also log the member into the Booking Service when they login to WordPress.