Transactions can be created in a batch from a spreadsheet upload.
Use this page: Upload Transactions
Columns required:
Mac in general will not save CSV correctly (non-standard line-end characters). Transfer spreadsheet to Windows or Linux and export as CSV there.
The upload screen allows you to create CREDIT, INVOICE and RECEIPT transactions. Invoices can be subscription invoices.
For invoices and receipts an email can optionally be sent to the member for each transaction generated. If subscription invoices are created, the subscription email template is used, otherwise a general transaction email is sent.
Starting with Member Data
The most common way to create the spreadsheet is to start with a download of member data. Use the first tab on View Members to filter the member classes that will be invoiced, or any other filter, e.g. unfinancial members. On the download tab, select “Use database field names”.
Edit the resulting spreadsheet, removing all columns except for membernumber and maybe retain principalmember. Add two columns headed “amount” and “description” (without the quotes). Your spreadsheet is now ready to upload.
If principalmember field is included, rows with a value for this column will create the transaction on the Principal Member’s account.
Be careful: there is no “undo”.