Email Shortcodes

Bulk emails can use shortcodes to create styles, layouts or embed images.

Your shortcodes are customisable. We’ve created a couple for you to get started:

  • img – insert an image
  • centered – center part or all of your email into a 600px wide column

How to use a shortcode

To insert an image, use [img]https://link-to-image[/img].
If you are using the [centered] shortcode, you need to restrict images to no wider than your centered column. We can create a shortcode which will limit your image width so you don’t have to modify your existing images.

One important guideline: don’t put a shortcode on its own line. That will insert spurious paragraph marks which breaks the HTML code.

Coming Soon

A page showing all your shortcodes, where you can modify and create new shortcodes.

How do shortcodes differ from Tokens?

Tokens allow you to bring in information that is either

  • stored in a Configuration Item or
  • is a field in the database record related to the email, e.g. a booking, or a member record, or a transaction in the ledger.

Shortcodes allow you to inject HTML formatting so you can control how your email will look when it is read.